Geeta Kapoor, a veteran actor who starred in more than 100 films, passed away on Saturday morning, May 26, 2018, at an old age home in Mumbai. She was 67 years old. She had been abandoned by her children last year and was looked after by Bollywood personalities Ashoke Pandit and Ramesh Taurani. She was best known for her role in the classic film Pakeezah (1972) and Pyaar karke dekho (1987).
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Geeta Kapoor: A Life of Beauty and Talent
Geeta Kapoor was born in 1956 and started her career as a child artist. She worked with many famous directors and actors, such as Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Rajesh Khanna, and Dharmendra. She was praised for her beauty and talent, and was often compared to Madhubala. She also excelled in dancing and performed many memorable songs on screen.
She achieved fame and success with her role as Nargis’ younger sister in Pakeezah, directed by Kamal Amrohi. The film was a masterpiece of Indian cinema and showcased Geeta’s grace and elegance. She also acted in Pyaar karke dekho, a comedy film with Govinda, which was one of her last films.
A Tragic End
Geeta Kapoor’s life took a turn for the worse when she was abandoned by her children last year. Her son Raja, a choreographer, and her daughter Pooja, an air hostess, left her at SRV Hospital in Mumbai in an unconscious state and never returned. She was suffering from low blood pressure and other ailments.
Ashoke Pandit, a member of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), and Ramesh Taurani, a film producer, came to her rescue and paid for her hospital bills. They also shifted her to an old age home where she received proper care and attention. They tried to cheer her up and fulfill her wishes, but she was always longing to see her children one last time.
Pandit announced her death on Twitter and wrote, “We tried our best to keep her healthy but her wait for her son & daughter made her weaker day by day. Her body gave up & she left us today morning.” He also expressed his anger and sadness at the way she was treated by her children.
A Legacy to Remember
Geeta’s death has shocked and saddened many people in the film industry and beyond. Many celebrities and fans have paid their tribute to her on social media and remembered her work and contribution to Indian cinema. She will always be remembered as the Pakeezah star who lit up the screen with her beauty and talent.
A Different Geeta Kapoor
There is another Geeta Kapoor who is also famous in India, but for a different reason. She is a choreographer and a television personality who goes by the name of Geeta Maa. She started her career as an assistant to Farah Khan, another renowned choreographer, and worked in many Bollywood films. She later became a judge on various dance reality shows like Dance India Dance, India’s Dancing Superstar, Super Dancer, etc. She is known for her humble and caring nature towards the contestants and has a huge fan following.
Q: When did Geeta Kapoor die?
A: Geeta Kapoor died on Saturday morning, May 26, 2018.
Q: Where did Geeta Kapoor die?
A: Geeta Kapoor died at an old age home in Mumbai where she was staying after being abandoned by her children.
Q: How old was Geeta Kapoor when she died?
A: Geeta Kapoor was 67 years old when she died.
Q: What was Geeta Kapoor’s most famous film?
A: Geeta ’s most famous film was Pakeezah (1972) where she played Nargis’ younger sister.
Q: Who took care of Geeta Kapoor after she was abandoned by her children?
A: Ashoke Pandit and Ramesh Taurani took care of Veteran Actor after she was abandoned by her children. They paid for her hospital bills and shifted her to an old age home.
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